Orzon team welcomes you! Let me tell you a little about yourself - who we are and what we do.Orzon is an online hypermarket with delivery. On our site you will find more than 6000 types of products. It is easy and convenient to make purchases with us, getting everything you need right at home or at any address you specify. We deliver food products within the city of Samarkand, the rest of the goods are delivered throughout Uzbekistan using courier services.You no longer need to waste time going to the store and carrying weights. You just need to place an order on the website or in the Orzon app and they will bring you everything!We make sure that the shopping process is enjoyable and, of course, saves you valuable time!We also take care of your benefit and regularly update promotions and personal offers.The opening of our website took place on October 8, 2019. Since that moment, our sales have grown exponentially, which means that we are doing the right thing!About our products:By conducting regular surveys, we find out what our customers need, we try to take into account all wishes and continue to accept your suggestions.It is important to emphasize that every product in our store is officially cleared through customs, certified and thoroughly checked.We do not work with intermediaries!